Caspar David Friedrich

Caspar David Friedrich

Den besjälade naturen

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Torsten Gunnarsson (red.)

Nationalmusei utställningskatalog, 660
ISBN: 9789171008152
Hard cover: 151 pages
Published: 2009
Language: swe

Today, Caspar David Friedrich is considered to be the leading German Romantic painter, with a unique ability to express the Romantic notion of a soulful nature, permeated by the divine. Although there are several Nordic tangents in Friedrich’s life, and his imagery includes distinctly Nordic ingredients, there is not one work by Friedrich in Sweden and his oeuvre is more obscure than it deserves to be.
This book introduces the reader to Friedrich’s art in articles by German and Nordic experts, through paintings and drawings, where the great existential questions are expressed in the encounter between man and nature.

Authors: Jan von Bonsdorff, Helmut Börsch-Supan, Synnöve Clason, Christina Grummt, Torsten Gunnarsson, Werner Hofmann, Magne Malmanger, Kasper Monrad and Solfrid Söderlind.

This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition “Caspar David Friedrich: Nature Animated”, Nationalmuseum 2 October 2009 – 10 January 2010.