Dutch and Flemish Paintings II

Dutch and Flemish Paintings II

Dutch Paintings c. 1600-c. 1800

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Görel Cavalli-Björkman (red.), Carina Fryklund (red.), Karin Sidén (red.)

Resonerande kataloger
ISBN: 9171007318
Hard cover: 448 pages
Published: 2005
Language: eng

Dutch Paintings part II is a part of a series of catalogues raisonnées on Dutch and Flemish painting in the Nationalmuseum. This volume deals with Dutch painting from the 17th and 18th centuries. Many of the works originate from royal collections and others were acquired through the agency of Sweden's largest private collector, Carl Gustaf Tessin. Six works of Rembrandt, including "The Conspiracy of the Batavians under Claudius Civilis", on loan from the Academy of Art, are among the most celebrated works in the collection, as are paintings by Frans hals, Pieter de Hooch, Caesar ans Allaert van Everdingen, Judith Leyster and Hendrick Terbrugghen.