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Ulf Abel, Yury Bobrov, Vera Moore

Resonerande kataloger
ISBN: 9171006559
Hard cover: 220 pages
Published: 2004
Language: eng

In 1933 Nationalmuseum received a donation from Olof Aschberg, the banker, consisting of a collection of approximately 245 icons, which was supplemented almost 20 years later by the gift of about an additional thirty.

Today the collection comprises 325 icons, two of them Byzantine, around thirty from Greece and the Balkans and other, the majority in other words, are Russian. The oldest specimen dates from c. 1300. Helge Kjellin published a limited catalogue of the Aschberg donation in 1933 when it was handed over to the Nationalmuseum.

The current catalogue is the first to deal with the collection in its entirety.