Eva-Lena Karlsson (red.), Ingrid Lindell (red.), Magnus Olausson (red.)
Nationalmusei utställningskatalog, 668 |
9789171008411 |
Hard cover: |
300 pages |
Published: |
2012 |
Language: |
swe |
Nationalmuseum’s exhibition “Pride and Prejudice” dealt with women artists in France and Sweden during the period 1750–1860. At the beginning of this era kinship and social relationships with male artists played a decisive role in enabling women to train as artists and gain access to the art establishment. The century that followed saw increasing professionalisation and more and more women were able to become practising artists.
This book presents both well-known and hitherto unknown paintings. For instance the subject of Alexander Roslin’s “The Lady with the Veil” is revealed to be the portraitist Marie Suzanne Giroust. Exhibits range from scenes of peasant life in Sweden’s Dalarna to portraits from French court circles.
Authors: Berndt Arell, Laura Auricchio, Eva-Lena Bengtsson, Eva-Lena Bergström, Susan Fisher Sterling, Melissa Lee Hyde, Eva-Lena Karlsson, Magnus Olausson, Mary D. Sheriff, Solfrid Söderlind and Barbro Werkmäster.
This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition “Pride and Prejudice: Female artists in France and Sweden 1750-1860”, Nationalmuseum 27 September 2012 – 20 January 2013.