Denise Grünstein - En face

Denise Grünstein - En face

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Bo Nilsson, Magnus Olausson

Nationalmusei utställningskatalog, 673
ISBN: 9789171008565
Soft cover: 80 pages
Published: 2015
Language: swe
When all the art and the office equipment were removed from the Nationalmuseum building ahead of the renovation work at the start of 2014, Denise Grünstein was given the opportunity to create an art project in the empty space. The result was the suite of images 1866 whose name harks back to the museum’s opening year. But the photographs cannot in fact be fixed in time. It is not possible to tell with any certainty whether they are from the past, the present or the future. As an artist, Denise Grünstein deliberately plays with these ambiguities, allowing the viewer to shift between two poles – the past and the future – that can never be reached and are the opposite of each other.

Two soft cover volumes with slip case. 40 + 40 pages.
Texts in both swedish and english.