Nationalmuseum in a New Light

Nationalmuseum in a New Light

375 kr SEK 750

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Helena Kåberg (red.)

ISBN: 9789171008862
Hard cover: 303 pages
Published: 2018
Language: eng
This beautiful book invites the reader to follow the entire process, from the founding of the Nationalmuseum and on through its early development and the changes of the 20th century. A key element in the account is the state of the building at the beginning of the 21st century, which finally necessitated far-reaching refurbishment and remodelling. The book is richly illustrated with the original watercolour drawings of Friedrich August Stüler, archive pictures and newly taken photographs by Bruno Ehrs. This publication marks a milestone in the museum’s history. Nationalmuseum in a New Light is published in a Swedish and an English version.