Design = Memory

Design = Memory

226 kr SEK 450

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Akira Minagawa, Susanna Pettersson (red.)

ISBN: 9789171009265
Soft cover: 224 pages
Published: 2024
Language: swe
”Design creates emotion. Emotions become memories. From memories come ideas, ideas return to design – I believe that design and memory are in a single cycle, and that each is the same energy in a different state.”
akira minagawa

Akira Minagawa (b. 1967 ) is the founder and head designer of the fashion and textiles brand mina perhonen (I butterfly ) and is one of Japan’s leading designers. This book presents Akira Minagawa’s and minä perhonen’s design philosophy, from idea to finished product, and depicts his ambition to create design that makes us happier in everyday life. In a dialogue, between Minagawa and Ingegerd Råman, one of Sweden’s bestknown designers, we gain the opportunity to follow their thoughts on the links between Nordic and Japanese design.