Design Stories (eng)

Design Stories (eng)

20 kr

Lägg i kundkorgen

Susanne Eriksson (red.)

Nationalmusei utställningskatalog, 681
ISBN: 9789171008909
Häftad: 11 sidor
Utgiven: 2018
Språk: eng
Design Stories - The Tabloid adds more perspectives on storytelling. With its generous format, the tabloid is more than just a traditional exhibition catalogue. It offers more depth and reflection on the term through free-standing essays by the poet and writer Bob Hansson, by Sara Kristoffersson, professor at Konstfack, and by Fredrik Torberger, future strategist at Kairos Future. Each of the texts conveys informed entry points to reflect on. In an expose of (design)companies and the building of brands, Sara Kristoffersson provides insight into the strategies of some of the biggest global companies. In his projections for the future, Fredrik Torberger paints a rather uncomfortable picture of how much more difficult it will become to defend ourselves from the 'synthetic' stories that, whether we want to or not, influence our behaviour. Situations in which our communication channels and future technology create new possibilities. In 'A Story About the Greatest Story of Our Times.' Bob Hansson identifies with surgical precision how the fine line between art/literature and advertising/marketing is increasingly dissolving. Or perhaps it has already dissolved? Bob Hansson shows how we are involuntarily invaded by completely different stories from those that we want to tell. Return fire. Follow Bob's call: 'Become poetry!'