Givandets glädje i konstens värld

Givandets glädje i konstens värld

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Solfrid Söderlind (red.)

Nationalmusei årsbok, 54
ISBN: 9789171007759
Hard cover: 224 pages
Published: 2008
Language: swe

The importance for a museum of the generosity of donors cannot be stressed sufficiently. Over the years the National Musuem of Fine Arts has received a large number of benefactions that have enriched various aspects of its collections. This volume focuses on a number of important donations that offer a perspective on the growth of the collections, the intentions of the donors and what the benefactions mean for both donors and the museum. We are introduced to numerous individuals and works of art in this lavishly illustrated work, which presents donations from the beginning of the museum’s history up until today. It describes individual private donors in recent times such as Giesecke, Quist, Hirsch, Grauman and Scharp, donations of specialised collections of miniatures, Russian icons and the like, the Impressionist works donated by the Sandbloms, the importance of the generosity of the Friends of the National Museum as well as a number of central contemporary benefactors such Bengt Julin, Barbro Osher and Montgomery. This volume addresses all those interested in museology, the history of collections and in the National Museum of Fine Arts as the custodian of one of Europe’s foremost collections of art, where donations from private individuals and organisations have played, and still play, a major role.