Renässansteckningar från Florens

Renässansteckningar från Florens

Ur Giorgio Vasaris samling

SEK 125

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Nationalmusei utställningskatalog, 623
ISBN: 9171006273
Soft cover: 124 pages
Published: 2001
Language: swe
This is the seventh volume of which deals with the Nationalmuseum's collection of old master drawings. The book presents the collection's oldest part, and includes drawings from the early Renaissance, primarily in Florence. It is derived from the artist, drawing collector and art historian Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574). His monumental work, “Vite de 'più eccelenti Pittori, Scultori oath Architettori” (1550), laid the foundation for the new age art history.

This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition “Renaissance Drawings from Florence”, Nationalmuseum 23 March – 10 June 2001.