Magnus Olausson, Eva-Lena Karlsson
Nationalmusei utställningskatalog, 670 |
9789171008473 |
Hard cover: |
174 pages |
Published: |
2013 |
Language: |
eng |
Hans Gedda has, for half a century, been one of Sweden's most prominent photographers. Internationally, he has achieved fame for his portraits of Nelson Man de la and Andy Warhol, but his gallery of characters also includes many well-known Swedes, such as Olof Palme, Birgit Nilsson and Tomas Transtromer. In these images, there is neither time nor space; everything is stripped down to its essentials. We find examples here of both intimacy and distance. Gedda has always operated on a sliding scale of different genres and modes of expression, mixing portraiture with still life and semi-documentary reportage. Perhaps this is natural for an experimental artist who has worked all his life as a commercialphotographer. Today, Hans Gedda's main areas of interest are studies of nature and stilllifes.