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Karin Sidén (red.), Janna Herder (red.)

Nationalmusei utställningskatalog, 16
ISBN: 9789171008329
Soft cover: 312 pages
Published: 2012
Language: swe
This publication highlights how feelings have been portrayed, formalised, interpreted and questioned, from the Renaissance to our own times. Comparisons are made between how emotions are rendered in art and how they are portrayed in medical physiognomy, music and drama.

The exhibition “Passions: Five Centuries of Art and the Emotions” was the first of its kind in Sweden and featured works by artists such as Rembrandt, Zurbarán, Charles Le Brun, Messerschmidt, Edvard Munch, Bill Viola and Rineke Dijkstra. The exhibition is complemented by a richly illustrated catalogue with several essays by some of Sweden’s leading experts in the field.

Authors: Berndt Arell, Lars Berglund, Lena Johannesson, Karin Johannisson, Jonas Liliequist, Martin Olin, Karin Sidén, Sven-Olov Wallenstein and Arne Öhman.

A CD with Claudio Monteverdi’s madrigals published by Naxos Records is included in the exhibition catalogue.

This book was published in conjunction with the exhibition “Passions: Five Centuries of Art and the Emotions”, Nationalmuseum 8 March – 12 August 2012.