Nationalmusei skriftserie

Tessin (eng)

Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. Royal Architect and Visionary

112 kr SEK 225

Gustaf Lundberg 1695-1786

En porträttmålare och hans tid

105 kr SEK 210

Konst kräver rum

Nationalmusei historia och framtid

25 kr SEK 50

Catherine II et Gustave III

Une correspondance retrouvée

38 kr SEK 75

Rembrandt and his pupils

Papers given at a symposium in Nationalmuseum Stockholm, 2-3 October 1992

20 kr SEK 40

The Genesis of the Art Museum in the 18th Century

Papers given at a symposium in Nationalmuseum Stockholm, June 26, 1992, in cooperation with the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities

20 kr SEK 40

Bacchanals by Titian and Rubens

Papers given at a symposium in Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, March 18-19, 1987

20 kr SEK 40

Versailles à Stockholm

Dessins du Nationalmuseum. Peintures, Meubles et Arts Décoratifs des Collections Suédoises et Danoises

13 kr SEK 25

Aron Andersson Collection

European XVIIIth Century Porcelain

13 kr SEK 25