Resonerande kataloger

Ancient Sculptures in the Royal Museum I

The Eighteenth-century Collection in Stockholm

38 kr SEK 75

Dutch and Flemish Paintings II

Dutch Paintings c. 1600-c. 1800

138 kr SEK 275

Dutch and Flemish Paintings III

Flemish Paintings c. 1600-c. 1800

138 kr SEK 275

French Paintings I

Seventeenth Century

38 kr SEK 75

French Paintings II

Eighteenth Century

55 kr SEK 110

French Paintings III

Nineteenth Century

55 kr SEK 110


138 kr SEK 275

Italian Paintings

Three Centuries of Collecting. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. Vol. 1

287 kr SEK 575

Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. Sources, Works, Collections I

Catalogue du cabinet des beaux arts 1712

138 kr SEK 275

Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. Sources, Works, Collections II

Traictè dela decoration interieure 1717

138 kr SEK 275

Nicodemus Tessin the Younger. Sources, Works, Collections IV

Architectural Drawings I. Ecclesiastical and Garden Architecture

147 kr SEK 295